Looking for the gift that will last a lifetime or more? Consider memorializing your family, someone you love, or your business with an engraved paver brick for the Cultural Arts Coalition patio. In 2017, the Cultural Arts Coalition and Cornell Cooperative Extension started the Garden Around the Corner, a magical organic vegetable garden on the grounds directly outside the Studio Around the Corner at the back entrance of the Southeast Old Town Hall at 67 Main Street in Brewster. The patio is at the center of the garden and a welcoming spot for all who enter the Studio.
Each engraved brick is $100, and proceeds will be directed to arts activities at the Studio. Orders are due by December 25, 2022, for the 2023 Spring brick installation.
Download the Order Form below and send it back by mail with your check or by email with payment via PayPal Giving Fund here or Credit Card here.
Looking for the gift that will last a lifetime or more? Consider memorializing your family, someone you love, or your business with an engraved paver brick for the Cultural Arts Coalition patio. In 2017, the Cultural Arts Coalition and Cornell Cooperative Extension started the Garden Around the Corner, a magical organic vegetable garden on the grounds directly outside the Studio Around the Corner at the back entrance of the Southeast Old Town Hall at 67 Main Street in Brewster. The patio is at the center of the garden and a welcoming spot for all who enter the Studio.
Each engraved brick is $100, and proceeds will be directed to arts activities at the Studio. Orders are due by December 25, 2022, for the 2023 Spring brick installation.
Download the Order Form below and send it back by mail with your check or by email with payment via PayPal Giving Fund here or Credit Card here.

brickorderform.pdf |